The Joy of Shooting Vintage Lenses (Part 1)

Aah... manual and vintage lenses. I love shooting with you guys. No, I am not joking here. I have a strange obsession with shooting and collecting vintage lenses, particularly anything that has a Pentax 42mm screw mount, also known as Pentax m42 mount. So far, I have collected half dozen of m42 lenses and has fallen in love with Helios 44M-7, a vintage m42 mount Russian lens. Alright, enough with that. Now, let me talk about doing street photography with a fully manual lenses. Before I start, one has to really understand and taking into account many flaws and strange characteristics of the vintage lenses. I have to admit that some of the quirks are really annoying, to the point of making the lens rather unusable for most people. However, some of the quirks could be used to give a distinct character to the photo. Now, what is it that making me fallen in love with using a vintage lens? Well, actually, there are several reason: 1. It give my photo a distinct look that can not,...